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Dad This Time November 22, 2010
Thinking of you and your brother in heaven above .
muriel wonderful lizzie September 5, 2009

Wish I knew you when you were alive, but feel like I know you well now.  Your mom is one of my best friends.  Brenda, thank you for being my friend.

Broken Hearted Mom Expression of Sorrow March 14, 2008

I am sorry I cannot offer words of comfort, hope or joy.  I have none.  Instead, I want to share MY sorrow and encourage you, my loved ones, to do the same.

The brightness of the dawn jolts me awake into a day,

    so cold.

I walk in numbness wondering who, what, where & why,

    and then;

The darkness of the night swallows me up

    into it's angry hole.

Time is NOT forgiving,

  nor kind.

It robs your soul, steals your heart, feeds you pain, and

  toys with your sanity.

It matters not a day or a year my child,

  you are gone; forever they say,

    while the grief LIVES on.

NO.....Time is not my friend,

  but a reminder you are not here.

Diane One Year March 13, 2008

Though you cannot always see

      the bird singing,

if you listen with your heart,

you can always hear his song.

  Though the ones we love

       may leave life as we know it,

               in our memory,

the love we knew

   will always carry on.

Uncle Mike Always in My Heart November 17, 2007
I'll always remember you as happiness  and innocence. Your pictures with the sunglasses on with the flowers are how I see you today. I hope you pray for me, as I remember you when I pray.
  Love Always,
  Uncle Mike
Grandma Jones God's beautiful flower November 14, 2007
Dear Family, How lucky we all were to have Lizzie even for a short time.  Now God has this beautiful flower in His garden. I love you all.
Dad love November 8, 2007

There is not 1 day that you are not in my heart. Every day ,every minute, every second. I think of you always. You gave me compassion and humanity. It is so empty without you. I think of you and your brother Francis now in heaven looking after me I hope always. To lose both of you seems almost unbearable at times. But I know in my heart your love love for me is always.





Kassiane You are missed November 4, 2007
I'm sorry you were taken from this earth so soon. Your family misses you, I know they do. I'd have loved to have met you instead of just hearing stories from your sister. Be at peace and know you are and will always be loved.
Irish You have a lovely sister November 3, 2007
Elizabeth,how beautiful you are and so like my Rachel,bless both of you for the happiness you gave.
Katy Such a beautiful woman November 2, 2007
I am sorry you had to go Home so soon, from what your sister has shared of you I would have loved to have met you.  I know you will be watching over your family from Heaven.
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